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Oye​ l of Taurus (Œil of beef)

Oye​ l of rolled bull

Oye​ l of raw bull

Origin: South Africa, Australia,  United States

chakras:  root chakra


Properties: Bull's Eye has many similar properties to Tiger's Eye , the only big difference is that it stimulates and activates the Root Chakra.


In addition to protecting, bringing a lot of courage, energy and helping us to achieve our goals, this stone strengthens the entire structure of the body (skeleton and muscles). Bull's Eye is "  THE  "stone that supports physical effort and that's what makes it"  THE  » stone of choice for athletes.


Purification:  Pure water, salt water, salt, fumigation, earth, scallop shell, clay

Reload:  Sun  (Preference: full day) , Cluster of Rock Crystal or Amethyst

*  Important :

All the  information on the properties of the stones is given for informational purposes.  They do not in any way constitute a diagnosis or a medical treatment.  In case of health problem, always consult your doctor.


Source :  "Energetic properties of stones and crystals" by JM Garnier

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