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Actinolite (Actinolite)

Origin: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, United States, France, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland

chakras:  heart        Hardness: 5.5 to 6 - Mohs scale


Story :  Actinolite, also called Actinolite, is an elongated stone that comes in the form of a column. Its name comes from the Greek "aktis" which means "ray" and "lithos" which means "stone". It was discovered for the first time in 1794, by the mineralogist Kirwan. Actinolite is usually dark green in color, but it can also occur lighter in color and occasionally appear in grayish green to almost black tones. Actinolite is a stone constituting green shales, it is part of the amphiboles, a large group comprising around a hundred minerals. Compact fibrous Actinolite is also one of the constituents of Nephrite (one of the Jades). It can also be found in the form of Quartz (rock crystal) with green inclusions, this stone is then colloquially called "Hair of Thetis". 

This crystal includes, evokes  green hair, like the remarkable seaweed hair of Thetis. In Greek mythology, Thetis is a Nereid (sea nymph), she is the mother of the famous hero Achilles. She should not be confused with her grandmother Tethys, a primordial sea deity.


Properties  :  Actinolite would be a stone that promotes the harmonization of our Being. Its powerful radiation would balance our spirit, our soul and our bodies (physical and subtle). Affixed to the heart chakra, it would bring comfort and serenity to its owner. Its energy would be such, that it is said that it would act as a powerful rampart, a protective shield against psychic attacks and all negativities.


On the physical level, it is a stone that would promote the elimination of toxins and the proper functioning of the kidneys and the bladder. In this sense, Actinolite would act just like Nephrite Jade. Some even say that it would drain all of our organs in order of priority. Placed on the solar plexus, Actinolite would also greatly strengthen our entire immune system, thus accelerating recovery and improving the conditions for returning to health. Like Aventurine, Actinolite would be a very good support for all stress-related skin problems such as eczema, herpes...


On an emotional level, Actinolite would be excellent for helping us overcome indecision and hesitation. Affixed to the heart chakra, it is particularly known and recognized for being a reassuring stone. It would relieve grief, trauma, guilt and help us forgive and find true comfort. It would also promote concentration, patience, confidence and self-esteem. It is also said that Actinolite would calm the projections of our mind (ego) and that it would be a precious ally to face various paralyzing situations. Actinolite would gently strengthen our determination and help us to be fairer in our choices and decisions. Its powerful radiation would also contribute to the removal of blockages that would prevent our personal evolution.


On a spiritual level, Actinolite would be a stone that promotes deep meditation and that would allow us to connect more with the energies of Mother Nature, making us aware that we are all part of a whole.

Purification: very rarely with water / no salt!

Reload:  Sun (Preferred: Daylight), Rock Crystal Cluster


Druse/Géode d'Améthyste

L'énergie transmise par une Druse ou Géode d'Améthyste diffère de celle d'un Amas cristallin, car sa nature n'est pas neutre. Toutefois, en tant que pierre douce et capable de se recharger d’elle-même, l'Améthyste est idéale pour revitaliser certaines autres pierres. Sa teinte violette l’empêche d’être un outil de rechargement universel, car seul le blanc ou l'incolore peut être considéré comme neutre. Elle transmet donc son énergie uniquement aux pierres qui lui sont proches sur le plan vibratoire, notamment celles liées à l’Éveil Spirituel, à la concentration et à l’imagination.

druse amethyste.png



  • Contribuerait à renforcer le système immunitaire.

  • Accélèrerait la cicatrisation de la peau, notamment après des brûlures.

  • Améliorerait la circulation sanguine et éliminerait les toxines.

  • Régulerait l'hypertension.

  • Apaiserait le système nerveux.

  • Soulagerait les effets physiques du stress (tensions musculaires).

  • Protègerait les voies respiratoires.

  • Stimulerait l’hypophyse.

  • Régulerait les déséquilibres hormonaux.

  • Soulagerait les céphalées et les migraines.

  • Serait bénéfique pour l’ensemble du système digestif (rate, foie, intestins, reins,
    pancréas, estomac...).

  • Atténuerait les douleurs au niveau de l'abdomen.


  • Aiderait à (re)trouver l'équilibre : âme, corps et esprit.

  • Favoriserait l’optimisme et le bien-être.

  • Chasserait les idées noires et les pensées négatives.

  • Permettrait de mieux gérer les émotions (colère, peurs, angoisses, TOC...).

  • Améliorerait de la concentration.

  • Encouragerait à prendre du recul et à se focaliser sur l'essentiel.

  • Développerait la résilience.

  • Apaiserait tristesse et chagrin.

  • Aiderait à surmonter le deuil.

  • Atténuerait le stress et l'anxiété.

  • Inspirerait sérénité et paix intérieure.

  • Favoriserait un sommeil profond et réparateur, tout en éloignant les cauchemars.

  • Faciliterait le sevrage (tabac, alcool, drogues).



  • Renforcerait l'estime de soi.

  • Encouragerait l'altruisme.

  • Favoriserait la concentration et stimulerait la mémoire.

  • Permettrait de (re)trouver l'inspiration.

  • Stimulerait l’imagination et la créativité.


  • Protègerait des énergies négatives.

  • Transformerait les énergies négatives en positives.



  • Ferait tomber les barrières mentales.

  • Inviterait sagesse et développement spirituel.

  • Serait un compagnon idéal pour la méditation.

  • Renforcerait les capacités psychiques.

  • Aiderait à nettoyer et rééquilibrer l’aura.

  • Apporterait l’harmonie dans un espace.

  • Rechargerait d’autres gemmes sous forme de géode ou druse.


Important : 

All information on the virtues and properties of the stones is given for information purposes. 

They do not in any way replace a diagnosis or medical treatment.  In case of health problem, always consult

your doctor first.

acidity; understanding ; anxieties; trust ; assurance ; stress ; fears; anger ; concentration; courage ; diabetes ; toxins; hope ; fatigue ; intestines; liver ; kidneys ; hepatitis; herpes; hypertension; immunity; digestion; liberation; harmony ; patience ; adrenal glands ; bladder; dizziness; shingles; eczema; psoriasis; skin

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