fourth chakra : Anahata (heart chakra)
Its Sanskrit name means " no hitting", " unbeaten ". It is located in the middle of the chest, near the heart. The color of Anahata Chakra is green or pink. The animal designated to represent this Chakra is the antelope, which evokes attention and vivacity.
The corresponding element is Air. Air represents freedom and expansion. This means that in the Heart Chakra our stretches into infinity.
Anahata Chakra is the seat of the Divine Self.
Drawn by a twelve-petalled lotus, they represent the divine qualities of the heart like bliss, peace, harmony, love, understanding, empathy, clarity, purity, unity, compassion, kindness and forgiveness.
But the heart center is also the center of emotions and feelings. In the image that symbolizes it, we find two shapes drawing a star, superimposed triangles. The tip of one of the triangles is pointing up and the other is pointing down. When the energy of Anahata Chakra flows upwards, towards spiritual consciousness, our feelings are expressed in the form of Bhakti, divine love and devotion. However, if our consciousness falls back down into the spheres of earthly passions, then our emotions become confused and unbalanced. It is then that desire, jealousy, sadness and despair overwhelm us. Anahata is the seat of poetry. The concentration on this Chakra can develop gifts of writer or poet. Another power that emanates from Anahata Chakra is Sankalpa Shakti, the power to fulfill our desires. When you wish for something to come true, focus on that wish in your heart. The purer Anahata Chakra is, the faster the wish will come true.
The mantra to awaken it is the monosyllable YAM.
People living in harmony on this Chakra, door of the soul, impose respect and esteem by their mental stability. They achieve detachment, wisdom, compassion, balance between the physical and the psychic, as well as harmony between the inner world and the outer world. Feelings are devoid of conflict, all acts of life are lived with sincerity.
Anâhata too active ("too open"):
Too much "opening" of the Heart Chakra can lead to extremes: either limitless Love, leading to self-sacrifice (which will give people whose life is totally devoted to others) but there is also a risk of finding a Egocentrism and total narcissism: the person is downright in love with himself and is only interested in others through himself, through what they can bring him.
Excessive generosity, for the one and only purpose of gaining recognition in return.
A tendency to be too emotional and you can't stand the remarks that can be made to you.
A lot of sentimentality in your language.
Fear of abandonment and change.
At the physical level: great fatigue, heart problems, alterations in heart rhythm, blood circulation disorders.
Anâhata blocked ("closed"):
A blocked Heart Chakra makes you vulnerable and dependent on the love of others. You are afraid of being hurt, you are sad and strongly depressed.
Coldness, indifference, "dryness of heart". You find it extremely difficult to express compassion towards others, but also with yourself.
Inability to manifest your love for fear of rejection and failure.
Frequent and repeated failures in your romantic and/or friendly relationships.
Lack of honesty and generosity.
Selfishness, withdrawal, feeling of loneliness.
At the physical level: heart problems, blood circulation disorders, as well as all conditions that affect the respiratory tract.