imperial jade rolled
imperial jade bully
Origin: Burma, United States, Guatemala, Japan
chakras: Chakra of heart
Properties : Jade is the favorite stone of the Chinese, it promotes protection, justice and honesty. There are several varieties of Jade, the most common are Jadeite (Imperial Jade) and Nephrite Jade.
Imperial Jade is green in color and is rarely plain, it is recognized by its shades of white, green or brown. This stone is very useful for the kidneys and the bladder, to which it restores strength and energy. Imperial Jade also helps relieve sciatica and heal gout sufferers. Affixed to the Heart Chakra , it promotes the circulatory system and therefore a better functioning of the heart. On the affected area, it relieves cramps and is particularly effective against jaundice.
Imperial Jade promotes emotional release by bringing us courage, harmony and inner peace. It makes us fair, modest and more tolerant. He is also a very good ally for interviews, negotiations... Under the pillow, he helps you better understand your dreams and wards off nightmares.
Purification: Pure water, salt water, salt, fumigation, earth, scallop shell, clay
Reload: Sun (Preference: full day) , Cluster of Rock Crystal or Amethyst
Nephrite jade
chakras: root chakra
Nephrite Jade is the most effective stone for regulating the kidneys, urinary system and adrenal glands. It promotes the elimination of kidney stones, soothes incontinence, cystitis and pain related to all these problems.
Nephrite jade is particularly indicated for the elderly and also for aging animals.
* Important :
All the information on the properties of the stones is given for informational purposes. They do not in any way constitute a diagnosis or a medical treatment. In case of health problem, always consult your doctor.
Source : "Energetic properties of stones and crystals" by JM Garnier / "The guide to healing stones" by R.Boschiero