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second chakra  : Svâdhiṣhthâna (Sacral Chakra)

Its Sanskrit name means "  the residence of self  », «  well founded  », «  well positioned  “, it is located at the lower end of the sacrum, 6 to 7 fingers below the navel. The color of Svadhisthana is orange, the color of dawn, which symbolizes the awakening of consciousness. Orange is the color of activity and purity. It indicates the positive qualities that are found in this Chakra such as joy, faith, self-confidence and energy. The animal that represents the Svâdhiṣhthâna Chakra is the crocodile. It symbolizes laziness, insensitivity and the danger that lies dormant in this Chakra.

Its element is water, also a symbol of invisible danger. Water is soft and fluid, but it also represents immense power when it is not under control. And it is exactly the same for this Chakra. When the negative emotions that emanate from the subconscious emerge into the consciousness, we can find ourselves completely out of balance.

The mantra to awaken it is the monosyllable VAM.


The Svâdhiṣhthâna Chakra marks the evolution of our consciousness towards pure human consciousness.

It is the seat of the subconscious in which are stored all the experiences and impressions of our life since the beginning of our existence in the mother's womb. The awakening of this Chakra brings clarity and development of the personality. It is directly linked to the energy of pleasure such as sexuality, desire, sociability and creativity (which is then shared with other people). It also governs our relationship to food, to fertility, and governs our inner sensitivity.

The Svâdhiṣhthâna Chakra is drawn as a lotus with six petals, which represent our six negative "qualities" which must be overcome (anger, hatred, jealousy, cruelty, desire and pride) to achieve balance. The other basic "qualities" that hinder its development are lethargy, fear, doubt, revenge, envy and greed.

Svâdhiṣhthâna too active ("too open"):

  • Often provoked at the time of puberty, due to the awakening of destabilizing sexual forces.

  • If you lacked tenderness as a child, the result may be an overactive Svâdhiṣhthâna: an unbridled sexual imagination, with a repressed aspect and another side of the personality oriented towards sexual bulimia, nymphomania, the search for the sexual act without communion and excessive practices, exaggeration of unfulfilled fantasies, frustration.

  • Tendency to cry or get angry easily.

  • State which strangely resembles depression, but which in reality is not!

  • Physical level: gluttony, stomach aches (below the navel), excessive sensuality and immature behavior


Svâdhiṣhthâna blocked ("closed"):

  • During puberty, if the person has completely blocked his nascent sexual energies, this causes a long-term lack of recognition of his own worth.

  • Lack of sensitivity. You risk becoming indifferent to the things and people around you.

  • You can also feel a strong melancholy, a disillusioned feeling and a feeling of lack. Once again, we will find its origin in childhood and in overly rigid families.

  • Lack of enthusiasm and fear of the unknown.

  • Fear of not being good enough, of not having been wanted, or of not being desirable enough.

  • You too often seek feedback on your accomplishments.



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